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Having a Building Contract is a vital document as it is a legally-binding commitment between the
builder and the client to deliver the project. Huram Design Studio  can help you to select the appropriate contract documentation (there are many different types of building contracts) 

we can also administer this contract
impartially between both parties (client and contractor), as part of this process we will be responsible for
ensuring that all items under the contract, such as variations (changes in the works requested)
and Certificates (Certificates confirm that work has been carried out to the
architect’s satisfaction, as determined by visual inspection and trigger client payments to
the contractor), are properly signed and issued.


In addition to this we will carry out periodic
site visits to monitor progress.


The day-to-day supervision of the build itself will be the responsibility of the
contractor, who is also responsible for ensuring that the structure is built in
compliance with the building contract, the planning permission, Building
Regulations and Health and Safety requirements

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